RemovedNode = (ListNode) this. Your class reversellusingiteration has two problems. A stack is a container to which objects are added and removed by following last-in-first-out strategy. I've tried to step through with the debugger in eclipse but couldn't catch the problem.

Linked list implementation of stack is efficient than array implementation because it does not reserve memory in advance. LinkedList remove at index java Ask Question Asked 7 years, 2 months ago Modified 9 months ago Viewed 13k times 0 I've made a remove method from scratch that removes a Node from a linked list at a specified index. Public Object removeAt(int k) throws ListIndexOutOfBound References Stack in Java Using Linked List This article demonstrates a linked list implementation of generic stack. Important Links : Question Video, Solution Video Let's jump to the problem. The following tables list the possible error codes returned by the Maps JavaScript API, with a description of the cause and how you can fix the problem. StringToReturn += currentNode.toString() In this article also we will discuss the last Linked List function that is 'Remove At Index' as it's quite clear from the name of the function that we need to remove the value at any particular index from a given linked list. sponsored banner ads on Stack Overflow (starting July 6), Java collection.

First, the specified position must be greater than equal to 1. For example - if the given List is 10->20->30 and the 2 nd node is deleted, the Linked List becomes 10->20. My problem is that after finding the object I want to remove it (basically remove its pointer to the next list node.) and it feels like there are some missing attributes, and he did not say to add new ones. Retrieve the last element of the given List, accessing the highest index. Linked List - Delete a node at the given position In this method, a node at the specified position in the linked list is deleted. So what I need to do is to write a method called 'removeAt' that gets a 'int k' and remove the object at the 'k' index and return the 'data' item of the removed object. lete(index,list).item //call the delete function StdOut.println('After deleting element at '+ index) list. I saw there are some question about the subject but the situation here is a bit different, while the other questions deal with the Java linked-list class, this is a custom class that I got from my teacher with some specific attributes.