I just assumed it would be ~ the same fees as back in coinbase. 12 If I buy Bitcoins at, should I leave them in my account at, or should I move them into a Bitcoin Wallet Why wallet Share Improve this question Follow asked at 8:18 Steve 121 1 1 3 1 possible duplicate of Pros and cons of using Mt. If I knew about the exorbitant fees to withdraw USDC (out of all crypto smh), I would have just kept it in coinbase and convert to fiat there. It’s easy-to-use, is designed quite well, and will protect your coins with multiple security features (i.e. TL DR: The Coinbase wallet is known for being one of the safest digital currency wallets to store your cryptos in. This is crazy, is there another way to get my USDC out to bank or coinbase/ to convert it back to fiat currency? Or is my USDC just stuck in the wallet now. One of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the U.S., Coinbase is a place to buy, sell and hold digital currencies like bitcoin and ether. Now, enough about the general concepts - let’s get to the actual Coinbase wallet review. The miner fees to withdraw it is ~$26, which i understand can decrease if the queue is short, but this means that I have to add ETH into my wallet in the first place, to even get my USDC out. Which wasn't an issue usually, since I have eth back in coinbase, but i dont have any eth in the wallet. My USDT is lost from my Coinbase wallet I transferred USDT funds from Coinwpro to a BTC address provided by Coinbase. Keep in mind The recipients wallet might take a while to show the transaction For security reasons, amounts exceeding 10 BTC or 20 ETH arent sent. Adding a payment method to Coinbase is also straightforward, and you can choose from options like bank accounts, PayPal, or credit/debit cards.

coinbaseUSDT I’ve been using Coinbase to buy and send USDT. To withdraw funds from Coinbase, you need to convert your crypto to fiat currency, withdraw your fiat balance, or transfer the funds to an external wallet. Now comes the problem, I cannot send my USDC back to my bank account, or back to coinbase without ETH. After purchasing usdt with coinbase, I want to send it, telling me that sending i.

It's not a lot of money, just ~$23, but the miner fees to "lend" it is around min of $5, so I rather just withdraw it. I just thought it was a safer place to put my USDC, and maybe I can compound it. I'm probably not gonna use the wallet after this.